State Policy-Making for Achieving Social Justice, during the Time between Writing and Implementing the Constitution


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Despite emphases placed by the Constitution, on the necessity of achieving social justice, we cannot witness any practical signs of it in our society yet. To analyze the causes of this failure, we can assume the following:
- The law is written disregarding its practicality.
- Due to the critical situation of the country in the last two decades, the necessary requirements for implementing that law are not yet met.
- The law is not sufficiently protected by sanctions. It is not utilized as a criterion for assessing governments’ performances, hence underestimated.
- To survive, those in power have to satisfy their political supporters, therefore the implementation of the law is affected by various political and factional interests.
- To fulfil its objectives, the Constitution needs elaboration with the help of the statute law, executive policies, etc. The insufficiency of this creates missing links in the hierarchy of law-making down to its execution.
- The important point is that before any attempt to eliminate executive obstacles in the way of reaching social justice, it would be unwise to speak of the impossibility of its implementation.


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  • Receive Date: 21 March 2007
  • Revise Date: 20 April 2007
  • Accept Date: 19 April 2007