Aims and Scope

The Aims & Scope Scientific Journal of Strategic Managment Thought (Managment Thought)

The Journal of "Strategic Management Thought (Scientific Thought) aims to disseminate the truth and knowledge of pure management thought with regard to the adaptive and operational boundaries of this knowledge and to promote interdisciplinary studies, especially in two areas of "religious subjects" including ethics, Jurisprudence, decrees, doctrines, history, etc., and "native issues" are disseminated through authoritative and imitative methodologies in specialized fields. The four main areas of study in this journal are:
1. Interdisciplinary issues, especially in studies of common areas of management and Islamic and value issues;
2. Fundamental research in management science;
3. General and specialized topics of management with the approach of studies required by researchers and scholars both internally and externally;
4. Management studies in required fields of the country in the fields of science, research and applied models.