A Study of the Structural Enabling Factors of Organizational Agility in Banking System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Management, Management and Accounting Faculty of Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan

2 M. A. Student of IT Management, Management and Accounting Faculty of Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan

3 M. A. of Public Management, Management and Accounting Faculty of Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan


One way of survival and success of organizations in the highly changeable world of today is to focus on “organizational agility”. Organizational agility is a rational and comprehensive response to the continuous changing demands of competitive markets and the gain of advantages at every available opportunity. Many authors have categorized the effective factors on organizational agility in three main groups including: stimulators, abilities and enabling factors. As recognizing the factors which enable the organization to obtain agility is a useful help to organizations for gaining the necessary information for managerial decision making in turbulent environments and reaching the advantageous aspects of change flows, this research has tried to identify the structural enabling factors of organizational agility. According to the nature of this subject, the research has been done in two phases. In the first phase, theoretical studies have been done about the literature of the topic. Based on the results, using various models and theories, 7 structural enabling factors in organizational agility were identified. Then some criteria were introduced for each factor. The second phase of the research was done as field study. The population was all of the employees of branch affairs offices of Sistan & Baluchestan Province and central branches of public and private banks of Zahedan, among which a sample of 242 people were selected through disproportionate categorized random sampling method. The 7 factors showed an acceptable correlation with organizational agility after the data analysis by LISREL software. The first and the last priorities were respectively “organizational integration and coordination” and “virtual organization establishment”. Finally, it is recommended that banking system moves for further promotion of its agility through focusing on, improving and investing in the identified enabling factors.


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Volume 6, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
April 2012
Pages 133-158
  • Receive Date: 28 February 2012
  • Accept Date: 19 June 2012