National Technomart in Iran; Conceptual Framework and Operational Implications


1 Associate Professor of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Student in Production and Operations Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.


There is no doubt  that nowadays technology is  accounted as one  of the most significant factors of economic and  industrial development in  the world. Countries use different ways and methods to facilitate technology transfer and transaction at local, national, international and global levels. Creating technomart(or techno-market) as center of technology transaction is one of the advanced mechanisms for the above aim. In Iran technology transfer and transaction do not have a stable and coherent system. This weakness has made many problems for technology suppliers(such as elites, universities, R&D centers and…) and technology demanders(such as government, industry, especially SMEs, investors,...). In this article, through studying benchmarks in the world and interviews with technomarts and expert and survey of related issues(such as technology law, technology evaluation and marketing, venture capital etc.) conceptual framework and operational implications for National Technomart in Iran have been presented. This paper explains the mission and objectives, departments and parts, ownership, internal process, infrastructures and communications in the national technomart of Iran. It's clear that using other countries, experiences and considering prerequisites and infrastructures would be helpful in planning and executing such a process.


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Volume 2, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
April 2008
Pages 225-256
  • Receive Date: 26 November 2007
  • Revise Date: 22 September 2008
  • Accept Date: 07 March 2008