An Introduction to the Process Requirements and Criteria of Governmental Human Resource Manager's Selection


1 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student in Human Resource Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


It seems that selection of employees and managers in the government is different from other that of sectors due to rules and regulations, processes, characteristics and performance criteria. Managers are changed, but the question is whether there are acceptable criteria and mechanisms for this turnovers. Is there priority for criteria? This article with emphasis on meritocracy that clearly expressed in public service law subjects to propose process and criteria for selecting managers in human resource management in government. We used survey method and AHP questionnaire to find criteria and weighting them and Delphi method to propose a justified process. There are five dimensions, personal characteristics, managerial skills, communications with superiors, acceptance with coworkers and subordinates those should be considered in selection through assessment and development centers as a well sounded process.It seems that the selection of employees and managers in the government is different from that of other sectors due to rules and reguations, processes, characteristics and performance criteria. Managers are changed, but the question is whether there are any acceptable criteria and mechanisms for this turnover. If yes, what is the relative importance of each? This article, in regard to the emphasis put on meritocracy as clearly expressedin public service law, has made a survey of the structural and procedural requirements and the criteria used in selecting governmental human resource managers. The survey method and AHP questionnaire have been used to find the criteria, and Delphi method to propose a justified process. The results is five ranking principles for selecting managers: personal characteristics, managerial skills, personal skills, communication with one's superiors and acceptance by coworkers and subordinates.


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Volume 2, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2008
Pages 37-69
  • Receive Date: 08 April 2008
  • Revise Date: 22 September 2008
  • Accept Date: 08 July 2008