The Evaluation of Howze-e Honari (Artistic Center)’s System of Strategic Cultural Decision Making Based on the Islamic Values


Assistant Professor Shahid Motahari High School, Tehran, Iran.


Nowadays the role and the importance of culture and art, in the elevation, development and flourishing systems of different societies is remarkable.therefore in regard to the high status of Iran in cultural and artistic activities on the one hand and the significance of evaluating cultural decisions in cultural and artistic institutions of a society on the other due to the pivotal place of an artistic center in the cultural system of a country, the necessity of performing this researchis remarkable. Culture is a set of customs, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors etc., which affects the societies. Art, too, as a part of culture, both influences it and is influenced by it. Since the subject of art and culture is a long lasting issue and observing the effects of artistic and cultural activities practically needs the passage of time the decision making should inevitably be done in adue and reasonable course of time.This research, after identifying different decision making periods in the Artistic Center and determining the adopted decisions in each period evaluates them on the basis of the Islamic attributes and strategic decisions in the field of culture and art. These attributes should be confirmed by the experts of the strategic and Islamic management. Then, the issue should be evaluated to find out to what extent the adopted decisions in each period has accomplished at least one of these goals. Thus, by organizing a matrix, the proper decisions of the Artistic Center based on the attributes of strategic decisions, Islamic decisions and the goals of Artistic Center can be reached.


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Volume 2, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2008
Pages 155-190
  • Receive Date: 26 April 2008
  • Revise Date: 22 September 2008
  • Accept Date: 19 August 2008