The Survey of Philosophical- Mindedness Components in the Prophet’s Management


1 Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Graduated from Imam Sadiq (AS) University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran.


In these days organizations have a special position in the society’s cultural social structure. People do the vital activities that are related to their life in organizations and we can say life is approximately impossible without educational, industrial, business, service, political and military organizations. Conductors as the main managers have an important function to improve organization activities.The organization success in achieving its goals and doing social responsibilities almost depends on its managers. Organization activities are the results and strategic acumen of the manager or the managers that chosen according to their wisdom, experience and  creativity.
The organization is also confronted by challenges, successes and different conditions that need on time decisions whose prerequisite is an active and creative idea for a basic and right confrontation. Smith called it philosophical-mindedness .He believes it to be a pattern of   thought   with three aspects of comprehensiveness, pentration and flexibility.
Managers need these characteristics to succecd and our Prophet Mohammad   is the best manager for Moslems and according to the Quran he can be the best pattern for us . 
This article is the survey of dimensions of philosophical-mindedness in the Prophet’s management with a study of the Prophet’s method and traditions that show he used all the dimensions of Philosophical-Mindedness.
In his efficient management he chose the best position for all of them. In this study first there is a description of philosophical mindedness dimensions then the management functions of Prophet.


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Volume 2, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2008
Pages 191-225
  • Receive Date: 17 May 2008
  • Revise Date: 22 September 2008
  • Accept Date: 26 August 2008