A Study of Medical Service Quality in Hospitals Affiliated to Isfahan's Medical University


1 Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University, Central Branch.

2 Instructor of Payame Noor University, Dehaghan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.


Service quality is today one of the most important managerial features of service organizations, and the first strategy of organizations worldwide is to give priority to customers. This research has as its purpose the quality assessment of the services in state hospitals affiliated to Isfahan Medical University. To do this, a number of 336 patients confined to bed for more than 24 hours in those hospitals were randomly selected. The data were collected through questionnaires following servqual (a contraction of service quality) model which is considered to be among advanced models in measuring quality in governmental sector services. This model tries to measure service quality wherever it is considered as a necessity for better understanding of customers and their expectations. The data were analyzed at descriptive and inferential levels by using SPSS software. The result showed that 82.4% of patients were quite satisfied with hospital services. There was also a meaningful link between service quality and patients' satisfaction (r =-642% for palpability, r =-764% for executive ability, r =-734% for confidence, r =-732% for compassion). Regression analysis results showed that executive ability and palpability could meaningfully foresee 14.7% of hospitals' service quality and aspects of service quality could be ranged in order of importance as follows: palpability (3.32), compassion (3.22), confidence (3.02), executive ability (2.85), and accountability(2.85). It was also recognized that ICU patients and illiterate patients reported less on the executive quality and accountability respectively.


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Volume 3, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
April 2009
Pages 165-189
  • Receive Date: 15 July 2008
  • Revise Date: 21 March 2009
  • Accept Date: 03 February 2009