Study of Effective Factors on Retributive Injustice and Its Role on Prevalence of Educational & Investigative Corruption in Universities (Multi Case Study: Tehran Universities)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student in Management, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran.

3 PhD student in Public Administration, Seminary and University Research Institute, Qom. Iran.

4 Master of Islamic Education and Industrial Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

5 Master of Islamic Education and Industrial Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran.


Consideration toward Justice in Organizations Have was increased in Recent Decades. Nowadays, Scholars are More Focused on Distributive, Procedural, Interactional and Informational Justice in Different Organizations. A Kind of Justice That is ignored by Organizational Researchers, is Retributive Justice. Prevention, Punishment and Justified Action Against of corruptors and Law-Breakers Can Help the Justice to be developed in Organizations. In this Research, we Study the Effective Contexts on Emerging Retributive Injustice and Its Role on Prevalence of Educational & Investigative Corruption. So have, by Snowball Sampling, 22 Students and Professors of Tehran Universities in Year 1387 regarded and Based on Proposed questions by Researchers, was interviewed. Research Method was Multi Case Study from Qualitative Method and In Analysis Stage, by using theme Method, 7 Contextual Themes that have Effect on Retributive Injustice was identified. Research finding Can Introduce Proper Approaches toward Decrease Deterrent Factors Mission & Vision Realization of University & Educational Centers for Managers and Respondents to Improve their University Knowledge Output, as well as its Rank between Universities all over the World.


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Volume 3, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2009
Pages 41-74
  • Receive Date: 17 October 2009
  • Revise Date: 23 September 2009
  • Accept Date: 29 December 2009