Tourism and National Image; Design of a Conceptual Model for the Islamic Republic of Iran


1 Assistant Professor of Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Communicatoin, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran


Nowadays many countries pay attention to the role of image improvement to develop their tourism industry and through different cultural and political aspects of this phenomenon, try to use it to introduce their national image optimally. Recent researches have shown that national image is an effective index for evaluating the success of countries’ international policies and efforts. Different models of evaluating national images do so by using a set of factors including tourism, culture, cultural heritage, and people. This is another aspect of tourism potential in national image creation. In modern era, global media and intercultural communication are the main tools of creating national images. By concentrating on the Islamic Republic of Iran, we can see some remarkable advantages in tourism besides some weaknesses in benefiting from the major international media which has resulted in a weak national image of the country. This article wants to answer these two questions: 1) What is the relationship between tourism and national image? 2) What is the current status of tourism in creating Iran’s national image? The purpose is to offer a model of the relation between tourism and Iran’s national image. This research is of an investigatory kind which doesn’t require a hypothesis.


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  • Receive Date: 30 September 2010
  • Revise Date: 23 September 2010
  • Accept Date: 20 January 2011