Investigating Effective Managerial and Organizational Factors in Administrative-Financial Corruption in Government Organizations in Isfahan and Zanjan Provinces


1 Assistant professor of management, Zanjan University, Zanjan

2 Assistant professor of management, Isfahan University, Isfahan


This research derived from a PhD thesis under the same name, has been done to investigate the effective managerial and organizational factors on administrative-financial corruption in government organizations. Correlation method along with metrical approach is applied in this research. Reliability of the verified questionnaire is confirmed according to the primary study with Cronbach's alpha 0.9794 and validity of the questionnaire has been verified through content validity and factorial analysis. The sampling method is of judgment sampling type, so that questionnaires have been distributed among 934 relevant managers and experts of existent government organizations in Isfahan and Zanjan provinces. With due attention to the main objective of research by means of AMOS software, the amount of effective managerial and organizational factors on corruption in government organizations has been investigated through studying of casual relations among variables. Finally it shows that payment system, corruption's offences and rules, informal groups, transparency, informatics and accountability, administrative rules and regulations and psychological factors among organizational factors are recognized as nine determining factors from fourteen effective organizational factors. Managers' weakness in leadership and guidance, managers' weakness in supervision and control and managers' weakness in mobilizing resources and possibilities are recognized as three determining effective factors among five effective management factors in corruption.


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Volume 4, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2010
Pages 129-147
  • Receive Date: 03 January 2011
  • Revise Date: 23 September 2010
  • Accept Date: 06 March 2011