Designing a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Job and Organizational Attitudes of Government Employees, Case Study: 80 Government Organizations in Zanjan Province


1 Assistant professor of management, Zanjan University, Zanjan

2 Associate professor of management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran

3 Assistant professor of management, Isfahan University, Isfahan

4 Ph.D. Student of Management, Isfahan University, Tehran


Studies about the assessment of job and organizational attitudes indicate that a unique model hasn't been accepted by organizations. The present paper has combined various models about determining effective factors on job and organizational attitudes. It has used the confirmed tool by means of field research method in holistic form among formal and contractual employees in 80 government organizations in Zanjan province after confirmation of the questionnaire's validity and reliability. The research questionnaire was designed in two sections including twelve options about personal and organizational characteristics of employees and sixty one effective options on job and organizational attitudes with three principal factors: A- The workforce (1-colleagues 2- managers and senior managers) B- nature of job and the organization (3- job dependence, 4- organizational dependence, 5- proportion of job with employees, 6- job designing) C- organizational and environmental factors (7- work load and stress, 8- physical conditions of work, 9- salary and job benefits , 10- education, assessment and promotion, 11- equilibrium in job and family life).
Its reliability was confirmed through internal assimilation coefficient of Cronbach alpha equal to 0.966. Its validity was confirmed by means of factorial analysis method  and assuming 11 factors in SPSS software, estimation method of major components according to correlation matrix and four methods of Varimax circulation, Equamax circulation, Promax circulation and Oblimin circulation. It was shown that these variables affect job and organizational attitude and the designed tool measures the intended structure. Finally, the effectiveness level of these factors on employees' job and organizational attitude was obtained through research results.


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Volume 5, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
April 2011
Pages 169-200
  • Receive Date: 13 December 2010
  • Revise Date: 21 March 2011
  • Accept Date: 14 May 2011