A Prelude to Marketing Principles in Islam


1 Assistant Professor of management, Azzahra University, Tehran

2 Educator of Shahid Beheshti University

3 M.A. of Management, Azzahra University, Tehran


The holy religion of Islam has set rules and regulations for every aspect of life including business and economic activities. Although it seems that Islamic rules and regulations have not created a specific business or economic system on their own, they require particular principles to be observed to reach the ultimate goal of creation.
The current research is of fundamental type and has attempted to recognize principles required to be observed by activists in marketing section according to Islamic guidelines and present a definition regarding the aforementioned principles and design a basic conceptual model of Islamic marketing. In order to achieve the above results, the two main following questions must be answered:
What parts and elements are included in marketing and professional activities of marketing?
What is Islam’s perspective regarding the elements of marketing and marketing activity?
The current study attempts to answer the above questions and collect related concepts of marketing from the Quran and authentic Hadith sources and provide a framework based on classic marketing model of Kotler. Then, we classified the contemplative foundation and associated activities with any elements of marketing process using research literature. Subsequently, the Islamic perspective regarding major and minor elements of marketing were recognized and thus Islamic marketing was analyzed and a basic conceptual model of Islamic marketing as well as a definition of Islamic marketing were presented.


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Volume 5, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
October 2011
Pages 221-273
  • Receive Date: 24 April 2011
  • Revise Date: 23 September 2011
  • Accept Date: 23 September 2011