The Optimal Pattern of Portfolio for Mixed Marketing Services Based on Trusting the Customer: a Case Study of Active Insurance Companies in Iranian Stock and Off- Stock Corporations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Department of Business Management, Faculty member of Tehran University


In the present age, in order to meet their needs, people seek variety in goods and services. When facing this issue, big companies have to orient their endeavors to an exact organization of “portfolio” if they want to be constantly present on the scene. Previous researches show a need for such consideration for servicing industries, especially with regards to their qualitative aspect. In order to tackle this demand by combining “the pattern of coherent service management (8PS)”, which demonstrates the decision-making variables for information exchange between the customer and the seller, as well “ABX model” Newcomb, which determines the concept of “cognitive balance”, the optimal pattern of coherent service portfolio (Xi) is created. To enhance the qualitative level of this pattern for achieving practical results, all steps (from choosing the model, gathering information, to data analysis) were taken with the aim of fulfilling CRM and with regards to social-economic benefits of “trust”, one of RQ criteria, in comparison to current and new customer demand (8CS). Since among service industries, insurance industry as an active investor in stock is an important and influential pillar for the growth of other industries, this paper has verified how to put the suggested model into effect with the help of questionnaires. Findings show that although insurance agents have more tendencies to trust the new customers, the current portfolio is 30% away from its ideal level. Also, the suggested model managed to identify the Iranian stock agents that are pioneer in their degree of paying attention to quality as compared  to non-stock ones less than 10%*** ,and explain its cause with the levels of 8PS and 8CS.


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Volume 7, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
December 2013
Pages 75-97
  • Receive Date: 12 September 2013
  • Revise Date: 11 November 2013
  • Accept Date: 01 January 2014