Explaining Leadership Pattern of Israel by Moses (PBUH); A Quranic Research

Document Type : Research Paper


استادیار گروه مدیریت بازرگانی دانشکده معارف اسلامی و مدیریت دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام


The large-scale export of the western humanities to other scientific and cultural domains of other regions in the world, particularly to the oriental and Islamic countries‚ has created a sort of passive reaction in their acceptance and application. As a result, now most of these theories, particularly in social sciences and management, determine and explicate the scientific frontiers and principles, the judgment and the decision-making. Also with regard to the evidence and the analysis of these theories a sort of inconsistency and inefficiency is perceived that hazard the bases and the ends of these theories. Considering this description, it's necessary to refer to the bases and the principles of the anthropology and monotheistic ontology, in order to find a correct interpretation of human nature and a complete knowledge of human characteristics. Applying "the thematic interpretation of the Quran" that is considered relatively to be a new method in Quranic researches in humanities, this research intends to study the behaviors and characteristics of Bani Israel nation(Israelites) together with Moses’(PBUH)  leadership style and his manner of interaction with this nation. In addition to identifying the behaviors and characteristics of Bani Israel, the researcher has indicated Moses’(PBUH) model of leadership vis-a-vis these people as explained in 1130 verses of the Quran.


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Volume 7, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
December 2013
Pages 157-188
  • Receive Date: 06 October 2013
  • Revise Date: 22 October 2013
  • Accept Date: 09 November 2013