Towards an Understanding of the Political Dowry Theory in the Public Sector: Theoretical Foundations, Conceptual Narrative, and Institutional and National Implications

Document Type : Research Paper



Political approach to the administration of public sector shapes certain behaviors in public organizations. A dowry political phenomenon is an outcome of such approach in the administration of public organizations. Political dowry refers to what a political candidate has brought or hopes to inject in a destination organization that based on public treachery (Bytolmal). The author has tried to depict this phenomenon in a conceptual narrative on the basis of the existing knowledge in public administration, organizational theory and political science on the one hand, and his own theoretical knowledge on the other. He also describes the manner of political dowry occurrence, and after analyzing its mechanism in public administration, he explains its organizational and national consequences and gives warnings about its propagation in the country’s public sector administration.


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Volume 7, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1
September 2013
Pages 5-31
  • Receive Date: 14 January 2013
  • Revise Date: 19 May 2013
  • Accept Date: 27 May 2013