The Desirable Advertising Appeal in Social Marketing of Infaq Based on the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper



Marketing is a field that is not conceptually and practically limited to the area of trade and commerce. Techniques of this science are used in other areas such as political marketing as well as the approach of handling public affairs known as the new public management.One of the new approaches of this science is social marketing whose goal is solving social problems for increasing social welfare whereas the goal of commercial marketing is increasing the profit of organization. Topics such as health, fighting against smoking and alcohol and drug consumption, helping the poor and the sick, etc. are issues considered in social marketing.
Poverty is one unbearable problem in the Muslim community. One of the religious ways to treat poverty is redistribution of income, a form of which is voluntary contributions (infaq). This article attempts to recognize different advertising methods found in the Holy Quran about creating appeal for infaq. To do this, a thematic research in the Quran is done and the validation of results is established on the basis of valid Quranic interpretations.The results show that three types of rational, emotional and intimidatory appeals exist in the verses pertaining to infaq in the Holy Quran.In addition, a fourth appeal,which may be called confidence appeal, is discovered in the social marketing of infaq, which could be as effective. 


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  • Receive Date: 20 October 2013
  • Revise Date: 26 August 2014
  • Accept Date: 05 September 2014