Analysis of Property Rights in the Context of Ostrom’s Institutionalism and Its Implications for Public Policy

Document Type : Research Paper



In institutionalism, the explanation of property rights has near relevance to the concept of modern state. Therefore, institutional explanations about property rights have immediate relevance to public policy frameworks. Among them, the “Ostrom’s Institutionalism”, as one of the most important institutional approaches in recent years, due to its unique interpretation of the modern state, implemented such a change in public policy property rights that resulted in the creation of a new public policy model, called “Self- Governance”. Consequently, due to the ignorance of these institutional framework capabilities and capacities in our country's policy- making, this study, by using the analytical and descriptive method, has explained this public policy approach as a model the novelty value of which made Mrs. Ostrom be awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2009. As it will be seen, in this public policy model, the separation of policy levels and transference of some parts of governance duties to operational undertakers of economic and social activities has more compatibility with modern governance foundations besides inducing lower transaction costs in social and economic activities through a change in securing property rights model and the actors' incentives.


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  • Receive Date: 15 February 2014
  • Revise Date: 14 July 2014
  • Accept Date: 23 January 2015