A Critical Study of Human Resource Management Paradigms’ Humanistic Fundamentals Based on Humanistic Theory of Roshd Paradigm

Document Type : Research Paper



Despite its short academic background, management has been considered in various domains in history while placing human at the very core. Meanwhile, in regard to considerable changes in social and organizational environments and intensified competitiveness around the world, organizations are, more than before, concerned to recruit and, more important than that, maintain and develop their personnel. Human Resource Management is one of the management’s special fields and since some decades ago it has been attended to and defined by various attitudes the base of which has been to push the personnel toward reaching organizational goals efficiently and effectively. With a general look at human resource opinions we can point out two attitudes known as cost-intensive and capital-intensive paradigms..
In the present research, in addition to addressing the humanistic fundamentals of the mentioned paradigms and criticizing them by Critical Analysis method, we introduce a third attitude about Human Resource Management that rescues humans from being treated as instruments in organizations and gives them a pivotal value. This paradigm, called Roshd(Growth), gets its humanistic fundamentals from outstanding Islamic thinkers and places humans at a sublime point. It tries to remove the identity contrast in management literature between employee and employer and unifies them. Therefore, after criticizing humanistic fundamentals of effective paradigms in Human Resource Management, we try to present a vision of Roshd paradigm's effects on Human Resource Management.


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  • Receive Date: 02 December 2014
  • Revise Date: 13 May 2015
  • Accept Date: 20 May 2015