Defining Strategizing Process Model in Complex Environment: Study of Successful Iranian Companies

Document Type : Research Paper



Strategic decisions can be studied in three dimensions; these dimensions include context, process, and content. This qualitative research was done with the ultimate goal of defining the strategizing process of successful Iranian companies in complex environments, using a systematic pattern of grounded theory. To this end, through interviews with knowledgeable individuals, close observation (with more than three months of close relationship with at least two successful companies in the food and drink industry and attending their top-level managerial decisions) of six successful companies and organizations operating in complex environments, and reviewing scientific literature, a set of initial themes were collected during the open coding process. By placing these categories and sorting them, the main steps of desirable process was designed. However, this process does not suggest a causal relationship between phenomena but defines steps of strategic decisions to obtain organizational goals (most of which is short term) through vision. The major components of this model are: vision statement and overall goals, search for opportunities, environmental changes detection, identification of top management mental models, communication and social interaction, strategic improvisation, negotiation for implementing strategies, operation and experience-based learning and stabilization of strategy.


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Volume 9, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
November 2015
Pages 87-112
  • Receive Date: 02 December 2012
  • Revise Date: 18 October 2015
  • Accept Date: 27 October 2016