Measuring the Maturity of University Governance

Document Type : Research Paper



Universities are relevant institutions in promoting economic growth and civil society participation. One of the key elements that have been the recent focus of these trends in tertiary education reform worldwide is university governance.  This research aims to explain and measure university governance indicators. University of Tehran is taken as a case. The survey sample population consisted of 110 randomly taken faculties of University of Tehran. Accountability, management, structure, autonomy and participation were evaluated as university governance dimensions by semi-structured interviews with experts. A fuzzy-AHP was used to assess their adequate relative importance .The results revealed that University of Tehran has suitable level of university governance.


Main Subjects

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Volume 9, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
November 2015
Pages 135-156
  • Receive Date: 22 April 2014
  • Revise Date: 06 July 2014
  • Accept Date: 27 October 2016