Designing the General Management System of Islamic Culture Using Soft Systems Methodology

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper aims to design a general management system for the Islamic culture, using Soft Systems Methodology. At the first stage of methodology, i.e. exploring the problem, the components of the system are introduced and categorized in two types: Sections that have direct relation with people and those which have protective role. Afterwards, a rich picture indicating the existing condition and defects of managing the culture of society is displayed. In the stage of CATWOE table provision and developing root definitions, common people are defined as the addressees of the system and by starting the system design from people’s point of view (bottom-up process), the system functions that raise the Islamic culture of people are grouped into six types: education, setting patterns, creating healthy cultural environment, support and reverence, preaching, and creating an environment of relating with God and saints. Meanwhile, after specifying the types of relationships between system components, the process required for determining relationships between all components based on system functions are suggested. Ultimately, in the conceptual modeling stage of SSM methodology, the process of designing and implementing system functions are introduced. To validate and increase the precision of the findings, questionnaire method and interview with specialists and experts that have practical experiments in this field have been used. The research findings explain the process of determining actions that must be performed by each government sections for promoting Islamic culture in the society and suggest the manner of general management of the Islamic culture system.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 08 October 2014
  • Revise Date: 05 November 2015
  • Accept Date: 27 October 2016