Resilient Planning for Social Welfare; Strategic Implications and Accreditation of a Hybrid Model for Resistance Economy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام

2 PH.D. student of Sociology of economic development, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


During the last half-century, increased stresses and risks, particularly in the financial and economic fields, have directly influenced human welfare. Upon this basis, not only has it become particularly important to undertake studies to have these stresses controlled and well managed within the framework of topics related to resiliency and economic strength, but also the necessity of introducing this literature into welfare policy-setting and planning arena is now further understandable. This means that, nowadays, in order to achieve more comprehensive and complete welfare models, it is required to introduce the literature generated within the scope of economic resilience into welfare policy-setting and planning. Based on this necessity, the present research is an attempt to address the following questions: “from the standpoint of economic resilience as well as welfare planning experts, is there any intersection point between welfare planning literature on the one hand and economic resilience on the other? What are the intersection points or common components which can address needs and meet demands of both arenas at the same time?” For this purpose, deep interviews were conducted with experts and the obtained data was analyzed based on grounded theory. The results indicate that experts affirm a high theoretic conceptual commonality between corresponding indices and conceptual models of each arena. Furthermore, the adaptation resulted in the presentation of a conceptual hybrid model called LEGATUM-PEOPLES which was accredited and completed based upon ideas of Iranian experts in both fields. This model not only provides a basis for experts and policy-setters from either arena to share their ideas and objectives to build hybrid common models, but also makes it practically possible to introduce general policies for resistance economy into social welfare planning.


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  • Receive Date: 30 April 2016
  • Accept Date: 17 June 2016