Extraction of managers’ behavioral components in strengthen social workers’ extra role behaviors in Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Behavioral Management, Mashhad Ferdowsi University

2 Professor of Management, Mashhad Ferdowsi University (corresponding author)

3 Associate Professor of Management ,Mashhad Ferdowsi University

4 Assistant Professor of Management ,Mashhad Ferdowsi University


Employees regulate their behavior according to their perception of that of managers. Besides, understanding the nature of employees’ perception of managers’ behavior is an unmatched source for the latter because it can help them improve their behavior. This study was conducted with  the aim of exploring and understanding the behavioral components of managers that can amplify extra role behaviors of social workers in Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation using the phenomenological strategy and Colaizzi method. To achieve qualitative data, purposive sampling was used. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with 31 social workers to achieve theoretical saturation and were analyzed by using the Colaizzi seven-step method. Finally, nine themes were extracted among which the manager's supporting behavior had a higher priority than other themes. In order to validate qualitative data in addition to the final stage of Colaizzi method, Guba and Lincoln criteria methods were also implemented. Apart from the  recognized themes , it was found that people are not impressed only by their managers' positive behavior, but sometimes they show extra role behaviors  through their own self-management or their ideals and beliefs. Our findings in this study contribute to the development and implementation of management improvement programs. They can also help to increase job performance and extra role behaviors of social workers in connection with the clients of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 11 October 2015
  • Revise Date: 30 November 2015
  • Accept Date: 16 April 2016