Proposing a Knowledge Management Model for IRIB Organization

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. in media management.

2 Ph. D. in Strategic management, IRIB University.

3 M.A. in media management, IRIB University.


IRIB, needs to be able to utilize its own organizational knowledge elements as competitive advantage and as well, to maintain its acuteness and flexibility so that it could endure in an internal and international contest. The researcher has been sought to interview with executives, professors and operating specialists in IRIB and universities present media lessons so that he could eventually suggest an applicable indigenous knowledge management model to IRIB. In this regard,15 people who have been teaching knowledge management as executives and professors in IRIB,Tehran and Allame Tabatabaie universities or even those who have been carrying out projects on knowledge management and those who are generally familiar with the subject, have been chosen based on a theoretical sampling method. As well, some managers in IRIB, who have been engaged in knowledge management in some way, are chosen as samples to be interviewed. Then, the researcher conducted in-depth interview which involved developing some context mechanism to gather interviews and study them. Subsequently, the data were analyzed in three steps include open, axial and selective coding. Eventually, 226 concepts were extracted from the interviews which were classified in 73 sub-categories, 21 categories and finally in three main categories. In conclusion, the researcher has reached a three-dimensional model of knowledge management for IRIB, using open, axial and selective coding. Different facets of the model involve "knowledge and resource centers, infrastructural requirements of knowledge management and knowledge management process". The primary facet indicates a knowledge center in IRIB which includes knowledge resources as the main focus of knowledge management within the organization. Also, infrastructural requirements involve 10 categories which focus on necessary infrastructures to implement knowledge management process in IRIB. And finally, the researcher has reached a process in IRIB which contain nine elements or categories indicating effective flow of knowledge in IRIB.


Main Subjects

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Volume 11, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
December 2016
Pages 149-184
  • Receive Date: 12 October 2015
  • Revise Date: 10 January 2017
  • Accept Date: 19 February 2017