The Designing Quranic Promotion Patterns on Enfagh Social Marketing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D in commercial management, commercial management department, Tehran central unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor of commercial management department, Tehran central unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor of commercial management group, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


Although the origin and base of marketing is in the field of business, but the ability of this tool to influence on human behaviors has led to its use in political, social, cultural and other issues. Today the use of marketing knowledge in non-business subjects has become widespread in many countries. One of the most important of these subjects is social marketing. The aim of social marketing is to create social welfare through influencing human behavior to solve social problems. One of the social issues in almost all societies is poverty. Giving public assistance in the form of governmental or nongovernmental charities is one of the solutions for poverty reduction in many societies. But the content of social advertising to attract popular donations is a very important issue. Charities and financial donation in helping others have some principles in religious teachings. The behaviors out of this framework will not be accepted. So the promotion and advertising for persuading people to donation must in Religious teachings framework. In this study, with the analysis of 9 chains of verses in the Quran about inviting audiences to Enfagh, it was attempted to design a content model for charitable social marketing. The most important chain is 254 to 274 verses is Baqara Surah, which can be used as a template for construct social advertising in the field of charity. The Analysis of these patterns provides some guidelines for designing Enfagh social advertising. Some of the topics in Enfagh social advertising are Preparation for inviting Enfagh, the use of advertising appeals, addressing favorable behavior, and so on.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 1
June 2018
Pages 5-48
  • Receive Date: 01 November 2016
  • Accept Date: 21 December 2016