Analyzing the pattern of Jihadi Organization on industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. in Islamic Sciences and Industrial Management, Imam Sadeq University

2 Associate professor of Islamic Sciences and Management, Imam Sadeq University

3 Associate professor of Supreme National Defense University

4 Phd student of Marketing, Islamic Azad University


In recent years, Jihadi management literature has extensively been entered the scientific realm of management discipline. Regarding the emergence and outbreak of management in the context of organization, one can say that it is crucial to identify the Extraction, dimensions and components of Jihadi organizations. This research is aimed to identify and characterize the features of a Jihadi organization in the area of industry. The approach of this research is qualitative and the data are gathered using semi-structured interview method and they are analyzed by content analysis. Taking the main question of the research into account that what the components and dimensions of the pattern of the Jihadi organization in industry sector are, the researcher extracted components of a Jihadi organization and then the extracted conceptual model obtained during the interviews had been inspected and confirmed in focal group meetings. Therefore, it is possible to study a Jihadi organization using four main sections including the foundation of Jihadi organization that contains Jihadi values, Jihadi morale and Jihadi work. This section is regarded as the dominant spirit in organization and performs an important role in formation and distinction of the organization versus others. Other sections of organization should have these features and Jihadi culture. Second section is the production elements which include five items such as human capital, policy making in production, production process and infrastructure, capital and raw material. The third section is Jihadi leadership in organizing things in which the main factors of production would end in goals and ideals under this leadership and organization. The fourth section includes goals and ideals of Jihadi organization in which these organizations are making effort to reach them. In each section, the distinctive aspects of Jihadi organization are inspected and they are compared to other organizations.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 1
June 2018
Pages 49-80
  • Receive Date: 04 October 2016
  • Revise Date: 26 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 07 April 2017