Presenting a Model to Realize the Resistive Economy in Organizations Using the Invulnerability Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 master of art in industrial management, research in operation inclination, management and accounting college, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University

2 master of art in industrial management, production inclination, management and accounting college, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University.

3 assistant professor of management group, management college, Qom university.


Invulnerability conception suggests the ability of promotion and improvement in the stressful and squally conditions. Indeed, invulnerability shows that when organizations face stressful factors, resistance is not sufficient alone. In these situations, organizations must not only maintain their structures, but also can improve and promote their conditions by learning from stressful factors in long term. If an organization can’t identify stressful factors timely and can’t remedy them, it will be defeated in weak parts and its structure will be lost. In this research, Qom Electrofan Company was evaluated in terms of invulnerability. To that end, the primary framework has been achieved by comprehensive review of literature and the studies carried out about invulnerabilities of different organizations; and experts, by holding sessions, and have extracted and supported the invulnerability criteria, and by the Gray-Dematel method the interaction of criteria was examined and the importance of each criterion is characterized through the process of network analysis. According to the results attained by research, learning by controlled risk can be introduced as the most effective sub-criterion of learning to make organizations invulnerable.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 1
June 2018
Pages 123-152
  • Receive Date: 19 July 2016
  • Revise Date: 27 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 18 March 2017