Employer Brand; a New Strategy to Attract Innovative Forces: Association, Organization imaging and Person–organization Propriety as Mediator

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of human resource management department, management college, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University

2 Assistant professor of governmental management department, management college, Farabi Pardis, Tehran University

3 Ph.D in marketing, Tehran University


Attracting the competent labor to the current competitive labor market has become one of the main resources of gaining the competitive advantages. This research, emphasizing the interest value (innovation value) to attract the innovative labor, aims to give offers on designing the “employer brand” to organizations of which priorities are presenting innovative products and services to community. This research is descriptive and scanning type in terms of objective, usage and the way of collecting data. Statistical community of the research is 102 persons of staff who were employed in central unit of Shatel organization in Tehran in short time before conducting the research among which 51 persons were chosen randomly as a sample. Questionnaires are the variable measuring tool that a part of them results from Bretton et.al standard questionnaires (2005), Kannex and Freeman 2006 and Bretz and Judge 1994 and the designed part of them is based on existing definitions of the variable. Modeling the structural equations, using software Warp PLS, is the method for data analysis. Results indicate that employer brand, through association, results in creating a favorite image of the organization in the job seeker minds and, feeling the person – organization propriety in mind, the person is attracted by organization.


Main Subjects

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Volume 12, Issue 1
June 2018
Pages 205-224
  • Receive Date: 08 October 2016
  • Revise Date: 05 February 2017
  • Accept Date: 01 April 2017