An analytical enquiry on the conventional theories of motivation in organization and presenting a substitute pattern based on Shahid Motahari’s system of thoughts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Imam Sadeq University

2 MA. Student of Islamic Studies and Business Management, Imam Sadeq University, (corresponding author), moh.javadi@


Various motivation management theories originate from the kind of viewpoint into human and his needs. Dealing with motivation from this point of view is important and necessary for theorizing in the field of human motivation and in its application areas, especially in management. According to this point of view, in the research, whose pattern has been extracted by thematic analysis method and confirmed by a sample of 16 specialists of Motahari’s system of thought, while investigating various approaches to Islamic motivation, with a foundational approach the categories of needs and tendency from the perspective of Islamic anthropology and according to Shahid Motahari’s views and thoughts has been explained and finally a six-level pattern of the system of needs and human tendencies from this point of view has been raised. These six levels include vegetative attitudes (desire for food and reproduction), animal attitudes (desire for food and reproduction along with lust and wrath), human attitudes (desire for selfishness), humanity attitudes (such as ethical tendencies and truthfulness), faith attitudes (the desire for perfections in absolute terms) and divine attitudes(the tendency toward nearness to God, or the tendency towards absolute perfection in absolute terms).


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 03 October 2017
  • Revise Date: 28 February 2018
  • Accept Date: 19 May 2018