Evaluation and Ranking of Effective Strategies in the Smart City for Success of the Partners of the Municipality of Tehran by the Grounded Theory Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Payame Noor University, West Tehran branch

2 Associate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University(corresponding author)

3 MA. Student of IT Management, Payame Noor University, West Tehran branch


According to the increasing population of the metropolises, creating smart cities is an inevitable issue in the modern world today. Smart city development is a dynamic design which mobilizes the IT sources of organizations and their affiliated companies in support of and advancement of their goals. Considering the global experiences in which municipalities have been the focus of development in the creation of smart cities and have the most connection with the citizens; this research is focused on the Tehran municipality and also based upon the need for these companies develop a strategic framework to increase their efficiency, and their success in the target market, and meet the needs of citizens. Therefore, this research has been written in order to develop the strategies of these companies for the development of Tehran’s metropolis as a smart city.
 This research has a descriptive-qualitative approach and it analyzes the data from the research strategy of data-grounded theory. The present research has proposed concepts such as operational strategy, decision strategy, work force strategy, marketing strategy, financial strategy and strategic focus, which are among the main strategies for smart city development; In the area of decision-making strategy, the decision-making factor of advisory; and in the area of operational strategy, innovation, performance management and process factors; and in the area of financial strategy, Financial Management, Cost leadership, Outsourcing factors; and in the area of work force strategy, Human resources management, Organizational Culture, Education, Competency Management, Participatory Management factors; and in the area of marketing strategy, market management, after sales service, users, Pricing and Sales factors; and in the area of strategic focus, Focused production, are identified as appropriate strategies.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 05 December 2017
  • Revise Date: 18 September 2018
  • Accept Date: 13 October 2018