Designing a Model for Assessment of Organizational Dashboard Development with Business Intelligence Logic in Organizations Case study: Supplying Automotive Parts co.(SAPCO)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of public Management PNU

2 Associate Professor of Management Department, Payame Noor University

3 Associate Professor of Management Faculty, Imam Sadeq University


Organizational Dashboard is a tool full of rich indicators, reports and graphs that dynamically acts to help managers control the performance of the organization any time. Therefore, to have efficient data, using business intelligence logic is inevitable. Business Intelligence is a system in which different, dispersed and heterogeneous data of an organization is integrated and make decisions through the establishment of analytical database for managers. This study is developmental and practical. After reviewing literature and interviewing with 38 experts in universities and organizations, organizational dashboard developmental factors together with the business intelligence logic were presented that were 357 codes. Using content analysis and focus group methods, these codes were grouped to 24 based content and 7 organizer contents. Then in two stages using interpretive structural modeling the contents of the basic themes and organizer themes were modeled separately and with respect to the consistency of two modeling the two were combined, creating a final model of the organizational dashboard development together with business intelligence logic. In the final stage, using importance performance analysis the organizational dashboard development together with business intelligence logic in SAPCO were evaluated as Industrial Production company which can be a detailed road map for organizations to design and implement an Organizational dashboard and business intelligence. The results show that due to the strategic planning process, and performance evaluation and procedures based on quality management system and also deployment of the Oracle software, systems and software infrastructure is available in this company but because of lower priority issues of business intelligence in SAPCO dashboard development process together with business intelligence logic was not considered as an organizational project with high priority and further research is needed in this area.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 21 July 2017
  • Revise Date: 23 January 2018
  • Accept Date: 18 March 2018