meta study of islamic management researches : the case of dissertations of school of management in imam sadiq university

Document Type : Research Paper


1 (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University) (Corresponding Author)

2 MA. in Islamic Studies and Public Administration and Public Policy


Imam Sadegh University is one of the academic centers of the country with the mission of scientific authority in compiling and producing Islamic humanities. One of the active colleges in this university is the faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, which by reviewing the theses, it can be found out that based on the expectations arising from the needs of the Islamic community, and a wide range of Islamic management research has been conducted in the form of master’s theses. And according to different disposition and approaches in this field, different methodologies have been used. By studying these theses, one can get a clear picture of the existing trends and avoid re-working in the field using former experiences and followed paths. Thus, the purpose of this study was to study and identify trends in Islamic management theses in the faculty of Islamic Studies and Management in Imam Sadegh University. For this purpose, in the initial screening of the theses that were defended from the establishment of the faculty until September 2015, they were evaluated on the basis of five indicators of being Islamic and all in all 147 theses were reviewed. By reviewing the literature and expert opinions, the methodological axioms, the reference sources used in the research, research approachlogy and subjectology used as the main axes in examining trends and comparing researches were selected and theses were studied and analyzed. The results show that in Islamic methodologies the most used approach is jurisprudence research and the least approach is Sira studies. Furthermore, among the three main approaches to the production of science, it has devoted the most research to refinement and completing research.


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  • Receive Date: 30 March 2017
  • Revise Date: 20 February 2019
  • Accept Date: 08 June 2019