Governmental jurisprudence; what, why and how.   (Based on the theory of systemic ijtihad)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lecturer and Researcher, Head of the Institute for Strategic Studies of Islamic Sciences and Education

2 Faculty Member and Director of Islamic Urban Studies Research Group of Institute for Strategic Studies and Islamic Studies


The main issue in the article is the essence of government jurisprudence and the study of “main tools for understanding religious propositions in government jurisprudence”. According to the theory of systemic attitudes toward religion in this epistemic system, “ijtihad” is the “discovery of al-Hakam al-Maderka” and “the verdict”, namely: "Al-'Aṭṭīr al-Shā'ī al-Metāqlā bāfā al-alābād". The claim of the civilization of Islam has led to an attempt to derive the viewpoint of Islam on a collective scale, with the approach of extracting “processes” to be taken seriously into account. The necessity of being “true” to refer to religion has let to the methodology of such an attempt. And the result is the adoption of strategies 1- The religion-centeredness of information resources 2- Strategic religion 3- Network’s view to the universe 4. The paradigm-centeredness based on the network paradigm of religion 5. Subjectology and problemology in all layers of the pyramid needs 6. Determining the boundaries of the system based on the network of the purposes of religion 7. The Logic of Jewel Ijtehad 8. The Development of the Identity of the “Judgment” 9. The Development of the Identity of the Situation 10. The Logic of recreational (Taf’ree’i) Jurisprudence in matching 11. The Use of the Logic of the Systems in broking, at the following operational stages:
1- Production of networks of issues and subjects of life
2- Production of system-based processes
3. Production of Keywords Matrix
4. Analysis of propositions
5. Translation of the proposition of religion into the language of the scientific hypothesis
6. Positioning the hypothesis in the pattern of progress and civilization map


قرآن کریم
واسطی، شیخ عبدالحمید، کانون تفکر و خلاقیت، مشهد: مؤسسۀ مطالعات راهبردی علوم و معارف اسلام، ۱۳۹۳.
واسطی، شیخ عبدالحمید، راهنمای تحقیق بر اساس نگرش اسلام به علم و هستی، مشهد: مؤسسۀ مطالعات راهبردی علوم و معارف اسلام، ۱۳۹۲.
ابوحیّان اندلسی، البحر المحیط فى اصول الفقه، بیروت: دارالکتب العلمیة، ۱۴۱۳.
أحمد‌بن‌محمد الهروی أبو‌عبید، الغریبین، مکه: مکتبة نزار مصطفى الباز، ۱۴۱۹.
علی‌ﺑﻦ‌ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﻜﺎفی السبکی، الابهاج فى شرح المنهاج، بیروت: دارالکتب العلمیة، ۱۴۱۶.
ابن‌اثیر، النهایه، قم: مؤسسۀ مطبوعاتی اسماعیلیان، ١٣۶٧.
مجلۀ فقه اهلبیتb (فارسى)، قم: مؤسسۀ دائرةالمعارف الفقه الاسلامی طبقا لمذهب اهل‌البیتb، ۱۴۱۶.
  • Receive Date: 27 July 2018
  • Revise Date: 01 August 2018
  • Accept Date: 19 January 2019