Designing the Leadership Model of Islamic University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. candidate in Higher Education Administration, Department of Educational Administration & Planning, Faculty of Psychology & Education, University of Tehran

2 Professor of University of Tehran


Islamic Universities, as one of the phenomena that have developed in the field of higher education for a long time at the traditional and modern level, require special conditions and requirements, one of the main ones being the leadership of universities. This research seeks to extract a conceptual model for the leadership of the Islamic University. For this purpose, the exploratory blend method has been used and based on the data strategy of the newly established fundamentals in the qualitative section and descriptive-survey method in the quantitative section, the leadership model of the Islamic University was extracted. The statistical population of the research is in both the qualitative and quantitative sections of Islamic management and leadership leaders with university education or with a history of attending university management fields was a sample of 19 people.  In-depth interviews with the qualitative section were carried out and after holding a meeting for the focal group and the finalization of the initial model, by referring to the sample of 13 people in the quantitative part the validity of the model was estimated. Finally, out of a total of 778 initial open source codes, 64 selected codes and 9 theoretical codes were extracted. Therefore, the model of leadership of the Islamic University, consisting of 9 dimensions of Islamization, idealization, foresightedness and thoughtfulness, education-centered, purposeful task-centerd, self-organization, justice-centered, science-centered, and culturization were presented.


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Volume 13, Issue 2 - Serial Number 26
December 2019
Pages 95-137
  • Receive Date: 01 October 2018
  • Revise Date: 15 October 2018
  • Accept Date: 15 October 2018