Presenting framework for investigating effects of e-governance indicators on sustainable human development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.d, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein University


The development of information and communication technology in the last decade has affected all aspects of human life. Electronic governance includes the use of information and communication technology by the government to realize indicators such as accountability, responsibility, justice, etc., which has led to improvements in indicators such as per capital income, GDP, income distribution, inflation, employment and, finally, improvement of human life. Regarding this issue, the present study explores the effects of electronic governance on sustainable human development. The research has two stages: “conceptual framework design” and “validation of the conceptual framework”. In the first phase, by studying and analyzing background of the subject, the conceptual framework of the research was designed. Therefore, first, sustainable human development indicators and then electronic governance indicators were extracted from the literature and a conceptual framework was developed. In the second phase of the research, the validity of the conceptual framework was examined by a survey of experts. So the method of doing this research is quantitative and scrolling. Findings of the research indicate that, from the experts’ point of view, all of the indicators of e-government are affecting all of the indicators of sustainable human development, except for two cases that the effect of e-commerce index on life expectancy and the impact of the index of communication infrastructure on life expectancy confirmation failed. Also, the average of ratings showed that the importance of the impact of the human capital index on sustainable human development was more important than the view of the experts.


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Volume 13, Issue 2 - Serial Number 26
December 2019
Pages 277-302
  • Receive Date: 26 August 2016
  • Revise Date: 26 June 2018
  • Accept Date: 28 July 2018