Prioritizing the Criteria for Performance Evaluation of Top Managers in Cultural Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. in Islamic Science and Industrial Management, Imam Sadeq University

2 Ph.D. in Government Management, Research institute of Hawzah and University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Imam Sadeq University


One of the means of evaluating cultural organizations, as custodians of the reform of community culture, is the evaluation of the top managers of these organizations. Each evaluation system requires criteria for evaluation, to which a lot of research has been devoted. The multiplicity of these criteria doubles the need for prioritizing them, as the evaluation process is always time-consuming and costly. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to prioritize the criteria for the evaluation of higher education managers of cultural organizations. Based on the above, the criteria for evaluating the performance of managers from the viewpoint of Imam Ali (AS) were extracted from previous perspectives and then in the next step, using the TOPSIS and SAW methods, based on 3 criteria: 1 - Impact on increasing organizational productivity, 2- Matching with the position of top managers of the organization, and 3 - measurability has been prioritized. The results of the research show that the criteria that determine the functional and special characteristics of individuals such as science, empowerment, counseling, etc., have a higher priority in evaluating the top managers of cultural organizations than those that reflect the personal characteristics of individuals such as piety, self-esteem and ... and the main reason for this is that, in the view of experts, the criteria for specialty-orientation, are more capable of measuring the values ​​of the criteria. Therefore, the present research’s proposal is that important criteria such as piety, commitment and ... should first be converted to more measurable criteria and then be used in the evaluation process.


منابع فارسی
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Volume 13, Issue 2 - Serial Number 26
December 2019
Pages 303-326
  • Receive Date: 10 June 2018
  • Revise Date: 19 July 2018
  • Accept Date: 15 September 2018