Typology of Toxic Employees in Governmental Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Public Management in Human Resources Development, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Government Management, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Today, human resources are considered as the most important asset in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in organizations. Employees' behavior and attitude toward work is an important factor in achieving the goals of the organization. The main research purpose is the typology of toxic employees in governmental organizations in Gilan province. The research method is qualitative, and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The statistical population included managers and specialists in the field of human resources of government organizations in Gilan province, from which 15 people were selected using purposive sampling. In order to analyze the data, by performing content analysis with inductive approach, the characteristics of toxic employees were classified into 10 categories. Then typological analysis was applied on the obtained classes. The typological construction in this study was based on an operational strategy and finally, based on two dimensions of toxicity (low/ high) and consequences of toxic behaviors (individual/ organizational), four types of toxic employees named A,B,C and D were identified in governmental organizations of Gilan province. The findings of this study showed that personal, family, organizational and environmental contexts play a role in the formation of toxic employees and the presence of toxic employees in governmental organizations leads to consequences such as the increase of absentees and anomaly in getting to work and leaving for employees and the organization. Also, the methods of exposure and treatment of toxic employees were divided into two categories of prevention and treatment. We came to the definition that toxic employees are individuals who, for personal, family, organizational, and environmental reasons, engage in intentional and contagious behaviors that are contrary to the values and norms of the organization and cause harm to the organization, its Employees and assets.


Main Subjects

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Volume 14, Issue 2 - Serial Number 28
December 2020
Pages 493-552
  • Receive Date: 06 February 2021
  • Revise Date: 09 June 2021
  • Accept Date: 13 June 2021