Distinguished Functions of the University in the Formation of a New Islamic Civilization Based on Ayatollah Khamenei’ Intellectual System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Degree, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


In this research, using the documentary method, an acceptable and independent definition of the two words "civilization" and "modern Islamic civilization" has been presented. Then, the content analysis method is used to analyze and examine parts of Imam Khamenei's speeches about the duties, roles and functions of the Islamic University with a civilization approach. This approach was based on an acceptable and autonomous definition resulting from the first step of the research.
The distinguishing functions achieved for the university in the process of forming a new Islamic civilization based on Imam Khamenei's system of thought are; "Creating and nurturing the intellect of the country", "Training competent and efficient manpower", "Creating and strengthening the ground for student awakening", "Laying the ground for scientific growth and breaking the dogmas of the Western sciences", "Wise protection of the Islamic Revolution and its principles". This study showed that if the universities at the level of the Islamic Revolution can fulfill their main functions with a civilized approach, the results will be as follows: Training the force required by the Islamic State, training the specialized and skilled force required by the Islamic society, maintaining and promoting the level of freshness of the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the aspirations of future generations, criticizing the foundations of Western civilization, training the force required to protect the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and producing the sciences required for the formation of a new Islamic civilization.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 23 November 2020
  • Revise Date: 01 September 2021
  • Accept Date: 01 September 2021