Meta-Synthesis of Indigenous Researches in the Field of Public Oversight with a Pathological Approach and Introducing a Study Framework

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Public Management Training Center

2 Associate Prof., Faculty of Public Administration, Faculty of Management University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.

3 University of Allameh Tabatabaei


 In recent years, due to the changing patterns and paradigms in the field of public administration and also the emerging requirements and conditions of the contemporary world, the shortcomings, weaknesses, and consequences of restricting the oversight of the public sector to official and governmental bodies have become more and more obvious. In this regard, the recourse to public oversight in governmental organizations as one of the effective regulatory approaches has increased significantly compared to the past, and consequently the tendency of researchers in the field of governance, political science, and public administration to public oversight studies has increased significantly. In Iran, researchers have turned to this field from their own perspectives and presented their findings. Although valuable efforts have been made in this field, studies in the field of public oversight have not yet achieved the necessary richness and scientific adequacy and have not been able to provide the necessary theoretical foundations to play a significant role in institutionalizing it in the administrative system. The present study, with a pathological approach, analyzes indigenous articles authored in the field of public oversight over a period of 15 years (from 2006 to 2020) using the meta-synthesis method. The results show the most important concepts, categories and weaknesses in this field and has identified the study gaps. Lack of diverse research methods, poor support for research in the field of public oversight, lack of study on various variables, more focus on the better known components of public oversight and poor studies in recognizing its unknown parts, are the most important weaknesses existing in related indigenous studies. Finally, a framework for future studies in the field and some applicable suggestions have been provided.


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  • Receive Date: 26 May 2021
  • Revise Date: 19 January 2022
  • Accept Date: 19 January 2022