Metasynthesis of Obstacles to Strategy Implementation in Iranian Public Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


faculty member of semnan university


It has been a long time since many experts of strategic management have found that about 50 to 90 percent of the formulated strategies are either not implemented at all, or their implementation have poor results. As a result, a wave of researches have examined the obstacles to strategy implementation. The present research aimed to use a metasynthesis of all researches done in Iran for recognizing the obstacles of the strategic implementation in Iranian government organizations. By referring to the most important databases in Iran, 40 articles were received and validated through CASP method. To analyze the data, inductive and deductive content analysis were conducted simultaneously. A total of 291 different obstacles were identified which were divided into 12 sub-obstacles, 4 main obstacles, and 2 themes. The results showed that although the obstacles were numerous and diverse but most of them were related to the implementation of strategies. In addition, over the years of the study and research on the strategic implementation obstacles, these have not diminished in terms of quantity and diversity. This phenomenon indicates that there hasn’t been long-term orientation to address and solve the obstacles. As a result, the theory of short-term society, which is used to describe Iranian society, represents the phenomenon.


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  • Receive Date: 06 July 2020
  • Revise Date: 10 October 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 October 2021