Presentation of the framework for the coopetition of the businesses during the corona pandemic

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Hazrat-e Masoumeh university, Qom, Iran (corresponding author)

2 PHD student, university of Mazandaran, Iran.


Nowadays coopetition has turned into an important part of the strategies of firms in order to correspond to uncertain and dynamism of the businesses. Coopetition means collaboration between business competitors, in the hope of mutually beneficial results.With regard to the uncertain which are the result of the pandemic of corona virus in business environments, the coopetition has become a very suitable strategy for the companies to pass this condition. Despite the growing attention of managers to the coopetitive strategy in the corona virus period, a study that comprehensively identifies the drivers, processes and consequences of competition and helps managers to achieve a competitive strategy in the corona, did not exist.This study aims to presenting a framework for the coopetition of businesses during corona pandemic. For this purpose, the research has been done in two phases and in a mixed way. In the first phase, the meta-synthesis qualitative research method has been used. In this study, first the studies related to businesses coopetition during the corona pandemic were studied and the process of the formation of the coopetition relations and their consequences was abstracted and analyzed. 136 codes were extracted from 84 articles. Then, the codes and categories were reviewed and categorized in the form of stimulus, process and outcome model. The second phase of the research was followed with a quantitative approach using the best-worst technique. The period of article search was from 1997 to 2021.Based on the findings of the research, the drivers of coopetition during the corona pandemic are followed: financial resources, firm productivity, supply and demand challenges, Environmental uncertainty, the costumer’s orientations and their changing of their purchase behavior, human resources challenges and environmental challenges. In addition, the result of research showed that the process of coopetition of businesses during the corona pandemic includes: the examining of the industrial environment, the selection of cooperative company, the choice of cooperation strategy, the compilation of strategy, the exchange of knowledge and technology, the management and exchange of resources, management of human resources, management of financial issue, management of the supply chain and strategic evaluation of coopetition. the consequences of the coopetition during the corona pandemic includes: increase the toleration, the increase of efficiency, acceptance of competition, expansion of marketing and customer’s orientation and the increase in creativity and innovation in businesses.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 18 January 2022
  • Revise Date: 12 June 2022
  • Accept Date: 23 August 2022