Designing the pattern of hostile environment analysis based on martyr Hasan Bagheri strategic thought

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Strategic management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. Business,, Islamic studies and management faculty, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Organizations are quite familiar with the intensive competition, tough and exhausting conditions, and lack of productive opportunities; they generate a new type of environment called a hostile environment. Based on the strategic thought of martyr Hassan Bagheri, the current study presents a model for analyzing the hostile environment. Using the judgmental purposive sampling method, data collection sources were as follows: the books "Meeting in Fakkeh", "Diary: Martyr Hassan Bagheri's Daily Notes", and "Notes: Notes Collection of Martyr Hassan Bagheri". Thematic analysis was applied for data analysis. The following four main themes and their sub-themes were extracted: 1-Visualization sub-themes: training human resources, organization, separation of information (enemy-insider-land), and documentation. 2-Creation sub-themes: map information matching, governance committee (war room or golf), integrated analysis of information, analysis of the curve of competitive intensity and weakness, and fragile rivalry points. 3-Persistence and continuation sub-themes: presenting a strategic plan, strategic decision making at different levels, and strategy implementation in the organization. 4-Organizational context subthemes: injection of perspective, analysis of competition levels, fandoms, and expectations, strategic alliances and collaborations, and convertibility of manpower to an observer and analyst. Afterward, these themes were organized in the form of a three-layer model, consisting of the superstructure layer (hostile environment analysis model), the mid-structure layer (organizational context), and the substructure layer (hostile environment substrate), proposed as a research model to analyze the hostile environment.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 14 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 21 December 2022
  • Accept Date: 01 January 2023