The effectiveness of training and development methods to develop digital competencies using thematic analysis techniques, Shannon Entropy and Topsis

Document Type : Research Paper


management faculty. imam sadiq university


The fourth industrial revolution, centered on digital transformation, has changed the nature of work, businesses, organizations, organization leadership, etc., and has left deep effects on them. As a result, the effective exposure of human resources of organizations as one of their basic pillars with this phenomenon is considered essential. In this regard, employees must acquire certain skills to successfully fulfill their roles and jobs, which is called digital skills. Organizations must use appropriate training and development methods to create and develop these competencies. In this research, firstly, with the qualitative method of library studies and the use of interview tools with experts along with the analysis of the themes of the interviews, the mentioned competencies and also the teaching methods were calculated using the library method, and finally, using the questionnaire tool and data analysis As a result, the effectiveness of training and development methods for the creation and development of digital competencies was investigated with the Shannon and Topsis entropy method. Finally, the methods were prioritized in order of effectiveness. According to the results of using the role modeling method, they were determined as the first priority and the use of the coaching method as the last priority to create and develop employees' digital competencies.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 19 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 11 August 2023
  • Accept Date: 11 September 2023