Synergy framework of decision-making process knowledge in governmental decisions

Document Type : Research Paper


imam sadiq university


The success or failure of individuals, groups, organizations, and societies depends on their decisions more than anything else. The purpose of this research is to design a framework for synergizing the process-building knowledge of Governmental Decisions. For this purpose, we use the design science methodology with the epistemological fundamentalism approach. The results of the research first identify the characteristics of government decision-making:

Content knowledge (which affects the decision in terms of subject and does not interfere in the decision-making process) is different depending on the subject of the decision and practically includes all human knowledge. In our framework, the relationship of each piece of knowledge with governmental decisions and the role it plays during governmental decision-making were explained, focusing on different phases of decision-making. Also, the concept of "satisfactory interdisciplinary distance" was introduced. This concept explains how synergy ultimately occurs between different disciplines in governance decision-making. In the end, the research proposals were presented separately by relevant institutions and organizations and experts and researchers in related fields.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 04 June 2023
  • Revise Date: 21 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 December 2023