Analysis of the concept of policy design, using thematic analysis: nature, indicators and elements

Document Type : Research Paper


faculty of management, university of Tehran. Tehran.


"policy design" refers to the formation of the public policy or a part of it. Some scientists have considered it a commonplace and some others believe that policies cannot be designed. These different interpretations have led to fragmentation in the literature of "policy design" and ambiguity in its concept. The present research is done with the aim of understanding and explaining the concept of "policy design". Based on the analysis of the data from the reviewed documents and the coding of the data, using the thematic analysis, finally in the form of two comprehensive themes, which are: "policy design indicators" and " Elements of policy design". Based on this, two definitions have been proposed. Based on the indicators, policy design is a conscious effort to create public policy, using knowledge and creativity, to make the desired changes. Based on the elements, policy design is the effort of policy designers in order to context investigation and creating and strengthening the infrastructure of using knowledge in policy making and forming effective and efficient designs of the policy.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 07 May 2023
  • Revise Date: 12 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 24 October 2023