Meta-synthesis of Obstacles in the Implementation of Digital Transformation: Case of Banking Industry of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : مقاله علمی - مروری


1 Master's student in Business Administration, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Philosophy of Science and Technology, School of Economic Management and Development Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran.



Digital-only banking is a form of banking in which all processes are done in a non-physical form and on the platform of digital systems. In the last two decades, digital transformation has greatly changed the platforms and forms of banking. In Iran, the banking industry is one of the pioneers in the implementation of digital transformation; however, Iran's banking industry suffers from obstacles that frustrate its development towards digital-only banking and thus prevent it from reaching the banking standards in developed countries. This research attempts to identify the barriers to the realization of digital transformation in Iran's banking industry by examining past research in this field. In this review, 128 papers have gone under preliminary study and of those, 25 have been chosen to be studied in greater depth. The mentioned literature, which covers a 16-year period (from 1385 to 1401 AP) has been used to propose a coherent classification of the obstacles in the path of implementation of digital transformation in this industry using the meta-synthesis method. The thematic analysis method has been used to analyze the data in the literature; in which 88 basic themes have been extracted in the form of 7 organizing themes and 2 inclusive themes. The findings of this research indicate that in order to remove the obstacles to the realization of digital transformation in Iran's banking industry, attention should be paid to the content and software factors of digital leadership, the organization, the culture, the knowledge, and the skills associated with it, in addition to the technical, financial and legal/political infrastructure. Digital-only banking can only be realized with a comprehensive approach.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 06 March 2023
  • Revise Date: 14 May 2024
  • Accept Date: 16 May 2024