International Franchise Model Design: A Case Study of Iranian Lubricant Brands

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Marketing Management, Semnan University

2 Member of Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences of Semnan University



In today’s dynamic world, businesses strive to strengthen resilience against environmental threats, reduce marketing costs, and achieve success. The competition in international lubricant markets is fierce, and companies must effectively utilize their capabilities. In the next decade, domestic lubricant manufacturers may lose their foothold if they do not adapt. A key decision in internationalization is selecting the right market entry strategy, and franchising is one of the most relevant approaches today.

This research addresses the lack of a model for implementing international franchising for Iranian lubricant brands. The main goal is to design a framework that includes essential components and relationships, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these brands can operate internationally. The study began by reviewing relevant literature to create a conceptual framework and then conducted semi-structured interviews with twenty-two experts in the lubricant, franchising, and international marketing sectors. Using thematic analysis with the Stride-Sterling approach, the findings produced 899 basic themes, 154 organizing themes, and 10 global themes, resulting in a proposed international franchising model for Iranian lubricant brands.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 04 October 2024
  • Revise Date: 29 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 03 December 2024