Document Type : Research Paper
1 management faculty, Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch
2 Management Faculty/Islamic Azad University/Roudehen Branch
3 faculty member at Imam Sadiq University
Digitization or digital transformation is an issue that all organizations must embrace in order to be efficient and relevant in the future.The purpose of this research is to meta-study previous researches in the mentioned subject area.To fulfill the purpose of the article, the systematic review method was chosen and according to it, the articles available in the period of 2015 to 2023 were reviewed.Finally, 87 articles were identified as eligible for review and the content of these 87 studies was analyzed using thematic analysis method.Finally the systematic review examined the dimensions of digital human resources management under the three dimensions of antecedents, processes and consequences of digital human resources management.The theme of the antecedents of digital human resources management included three themes of the second level of the organizer, i.e. digital orientation, digital culture and digital leadership.The processes of digital human resources management were examined in the form of four main organizing themes, i.e. digital structure, digital strategy, digital operations, digital capabilities, and finally, the consequences of digital human resources management included digital customer orientation, digital ecosystem, and digital performance.
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