An Introduction to the Effect of Islamic Culture’s Constituents on Decision-Making


Assistant Professor Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


This article first enumerates factors affecting the decision-making, those which are mostly related to personality influenced by cultures and sub-cultures dominating the individual’s life, such as possessing internal and external control agents, believing in or shunning ambiguities, and its comparison with a belief in fatalism or free will and the effect of these beliefs and traits on the personality. It then demonstrates that these beliefs cause individuals to have different characteristics. Some are active, and some passive. Some are keen to discover problems and solve them and change the existing situation to the desired one, but some are totally uninterested. There are some who can make decisions and some who cannot.
The author has tried to make a comparative study and turn to the genuine Islamic culture as manifested in the Quran, Prophet’s tradition, and Shiite way of life, and has made a case study of Ohod battle and Quranic verses related to the issue to demonstrate the fact that by dismissing fatalism while trusting God’s blessing, a Moslem manager could be distinguished from others.
In sum, managers can make sound decisions by relying on Shiite culture, self-confidence, rational thinking, consulting the wise people and above all trusting in God.


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  • Receive Date: 21 March 2007
  • Revise Date: 20 April 2007
  • Accept Date: 19 April 2007